Why do we put on weight?
Why do we put on weight?
The human being has internal biological programs millions of years old: one of these is to ensure glucose to the body and especially the brain for this when we eat carbohydrates, especially those with a high GI, we put too much glucose in the blood which does produce a surplus of insulin in the pancreas which turns into fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells (adipocytes); therefore lose weight means
simply reversing this biochemical process by eating low glycemic index so that after a few hours, just the body from the alarm to the lack of glucose in the blood, it generates lipolysis namely the demolition of triglycerides (by deflate over time adipocytes) so that they can be transported from the blood and used by the tissues as substrates for their energy needs.
The most important parts of this mechanism are: the SALT and SUGAR..
The first is basic and daily we need 3/5 grams of salt (depending on body weight) ..... calculate that only the food you eat from morning to night introduces almost three times more, then you add a little bit of it and here you are on the 15/20 grams of salt per day against 3/5 grams of salt recommended .... what happens? Just think that 55% of over fifty are taking medication for high blood pressure, then you understand that if you permanently eliminate it (only when you need to lose weight I mean) from your menu will not happen anything negative to your health ... indeed!
You should know that you do not need sugar, absolutely ..... well if you want and you can not help but drink a coffee, use in the maintaining fructose (GI 60) and stevia (IG 0) in weight loss. To recap the first biochemical mechanism helps to drive up our body while the second (sucrose) is the reference food of the table of glycemic index and has as IG 100.